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Let us handle trademark registration in Japan.

Enquiry by e-mail

Suite 804, LXS Muromachi, 1-10-10 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0022 Japan

Let us handle trademark registration in Japan.

Trademark registration route into Japan

There are two routes for a trademark registration from foreign countries to Japan. One is a direct route with or without a priority under the Paris Convention. Another procedure is a Madrid Protocol route discribed here.

Madorid Protocol

Madrid Protocol

When you use the system of the Madrid Protocol and designated Japan as one of designated countries, the Japan Paent Office will examine the possibilitiy of the registratio in Japan, and the trademark is just registered if there is no problem.

However, if the Examiner found some problem, an Office Action called "Provisional Refusal" will be issued and sent to you. You have to resopond to the Provisional Resusal through a Japanese Patent Attorney. When you receive the Provisional Refusal, please send it to us via E-mail or fax so that we can make a simple comment witout any charge before you officially entrust us to handle the application.


Madopro Documents

Necessary information for the reply to Provisional Refusal

The followings are necessary information.

  • a copy of the Provisional Refusal itself
  • The power of attorney

Power of attorney is necessary before the Japan Patent Office.
Please download the format of a power of attorney here.


BY International Patent & Trademark Firm

BY International Patent & Trademark Firm


Suite 804, LXS Muromachi, 1-10-10 Nihonbashi-Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0022 Japan



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